We’re Sponsoring Our First Event!

We’re Sponsoring Our First Event!

We’re Sponsoring Our First Event! BrandBear is pleased to be a sponsor at the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Cannabis Infused Edibles and Beverages conference on October 15, 2018 at George Brown College’s Food and Research Studio (FIRSt). The conference is about...
Featured Resource: Toronto Food Starter

Featured Resource: Toronto Food Starter

Featured Resource: Toronto Food Starter Looking to market your grandmother’s secret sauce? The Toronto Food Starter program has got you covered. If you are looking to develop and launch a new product, Food Starter provides access to shared production and packaging...
Cannabis Legalization & Edibles in Canada

Cannabis Legalization & Edibles in Canada

Cannabis Legalization & Edibles in Canada Courtesy of: Alternative Food Network To all out current and future cannabis clients, we thought this podcast might help shed some light on some of the new restrictions associated with the legalization of cannabis in...